
Thursday, May 18, 2017

bench ball

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
I participated in a game called bench ball its a modified game capture of the flag and doge ball we put two benches on each side and we had three balls. Aim of the game was to get four people on the other bench by catching the ball. if the other side members went on get on the bench you can stop them by touching them and if you touch them they have to run back to there side and you can go again

  • engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)

i give myself a merit because i did my best in all the games we played defending and attacking for my team to try win all our games.
  • What were three factors which influenced your participation?

well being + Challenge + Friends/Classmates -

  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)

1. well being was good because my heath was good the made my participation to play as best as i can.
2. challenge was good because it was helping me improve my skills to make my participation to go up
3. friends/classmates was bad because this made me mad and effected my participation to go down.

  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?
I would increase me and my peers to challenge them self's to help them focus on the game because the game got too boring at the 3rd game.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

This week me and my class have been learning about bones of the skeleton and there components we made a skeleton out of sports gear each label is a bone we have learnt the longest and the strongest bone is the femur it also holds our weight.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Physical activity Futsal

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
Futsal is another version of football but you play Futsal in doors on a basketball or a net ball court. Futsal rules are the same as football but theirs no outs and no off sides. the aim is to get the ball in the goal.
  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)
When we were playing Futsal I grade myself NA because I wasn't trying my best through the hole game

  • What were three factors which influenced your participation?
challenge +
skill level -
fun +

  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
challenge was good for me to improve my skills in football so that made my participation to go up
skill level was not good because sometimes i was kicking the ball anywhere so that made my skill level go down 
fun it was fun to play the game with my friends and against my friend so it made participation
  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?
to tell me and my team to have some plays or plans when we play